Automatic Demand Response System

The Most Advanced Real-Time Energy Automation platform & AI economic decision tool

Best-in-class Utility Supply and Demand management solution  that revolutionizes the stability & reliability of power grids.

Key Benefits of our Energy Supply & Demand Automation Solution

As utilities work to comply with demand-side management (e.g. energy efficiency, load shifting, renewable integration, and demand response programs), we assist them to evolve with dependable Economic Intelligence

We provide the utilities with ultimate supply and demand-side AI solutions. We quantify the supply-side production while measuring the impacts of demand-side functionality in challenging, inconsistent and dynamic scenarios using artificial intelligence based  methodology.

We solve these problems with accurate, efficient, and real-time energy automation process designed to increase the revenues while adapting to the changes in demand-side energy consumption. 

We give the utilities full visibility and confidence in the achievement of the results under complex and dynamic external factors such as natural breakdowns, weather, economic shifts, and public events that would otherwise skew economics.

Advanced Optimization

Provides accurate demand response automation and least cost economic intelligence

Priority based

Checks Non-compliance

Allows Prompt Notifications & checks Non-compliances at the Operations  

Cost & Efficiency

Smart AI automation technology automatically reduces DSM penalties

How it Works

AI based End to End intelligence architecture